About Sallisaw Main Street

We are a group of concerned citizens who joined together in 2004 as a 501C-3 non profit organization to restore and beautify our downtown district.

All funds raised by the organization through sponsor donation, City of Sallisaw contributions, and fundraisers go directly toward the restoration and renovation of the designated Main Street district.

A sidewalk restoration of East Cherokee and North Oak Street was made possible by partnership between the City of Sallisaw and Sallisaw Main Street.  This restoration has offered the business owners on these two streets beautiful sidewalks with vintage lights, landscape areas and brick edging.  These sidewalks are handicap accessible with ramps also built in to many store front entries to further handicap accessibility.

Our efforts have taken a huge step toward economic development in our downtown and have benefited not only the owners of businesses, but also those who shop, dine and play in downtown Sallisaw.